Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 117: Kelly's Limerick

Kelly Maudsley, one of dad's favorite mission companions and friends over the years thoughtfully sent this limerick:

A beautiful girl named RuthAnn
Fell in love with a wonderful man
His name was Neil
They sealed the deal
Then proceeded to make a whole clan
_ _ der t_e c_ _ v _ rs

He was born on the last day of May
All his family and friends said Hooray!
He’s a bit older now
Survived eight kids somehow
And, he dashingly handsome in grey!

Happy Birthday Neil!

Surprisingly, I could only find one picture of Kelly over the years, from one of the many mission reunions dad held at our home. He's the handsome devil on the far left.


  1. I was trying to figure out what "c _ _ v _ r s" could be. Carvers? Clevers? Either way, makes me think our whole clan was made under different conditions than I originally anticipated.

  2. I think it's *under the covers*. Risque!

  3. That was my original thought too Flori, but there were too many blanks. It must be clovers or something. Could be an Australian thing...

  4. You forgot a space. It's supposed to be "cadavers"
