Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 97: R.E.S.P.E.C.T

I have been thinking about this topic since Mother's Day because I am truly grateful to my Father for always being respectful to our Mother and for teaching us to do the same. Nothing would incur his wrath faster than our being disrespectful to Mother. Growing up I knew kids who were very disrespectful to their parents and I learned that what we had been taught was something special.

I remember one Sunday when we had been particularly naughty at church and had brought Mom to tears. Dad told us that if there was a repeat of that Sunday, he would come down off of the stand and put us in timeout. And by 'put us in timeout' I mean spank us with the belt. There was a marked improvement in our behavior the next Sunday.

Thank you Dad for teaching us to be respectful to women and more importantly our Mother.
Thank you for being a great example to your sons of how to treat their wives.
Thank you for being a great example to your daughters of how their husbands should treat them.

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