Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 104: Elsha Guy

Remember this stuff? Funny that it's called "The Aristocrat of Cologne". Rob happens to have an old bottle of this from his Grandpa's stash and the smell of it brings back such memories of my Dad in his younger, early fatherhood days. I have always been happy to have a dad who smells nice. Other colognes that remind me of him are Obsession and Clinique Happy for men. What else has he worn over the years and what was your favorite?


  1. Yes! Yes! Yes! This is textbook Neil. Bob keeps trying to get me to write a post on Barbasol, but, I actually don't like that shaving cream...maybe Nick Coleman can write a post on that since he swears by it. Other smells that remind me of dad are ribs at midnight, bug spray, sunflower seeds, and chuck-a-rama. BTW, Rob seems like a great candidate to carry on the Elsha tradition...particularly if he combined it with a wrist tattoo of the soaring ELSHA eagle.

  2. Dude, I have Barbasol in my bathroom mirror cabinet as we speak. Not so sure about the smells, but meat and cheese sandwiches (see also the temptation to make everything into a sandwich), chicken and rice, FM100 (point threeee!), terraced lawns, and clementines and pastachios and black socks (together and in that order) all remind me of Dad. Remember when Elsha used to babysit us?

  3. You guys may not have realized it, but Flori's post is either a brilliant pun, or unwitting one about the Amy Grant song "El Shaddai" John and I used to like to sing "Else ya die". WAAAAY better lyrics.

  4. Yes, normally I stink at puns, but El'ShaGuy came to me in a rare flash of brilliance...and I can't stop singing it in my head. It's terrible.

  5. flori - i knew it couldn't have been by chance! i've been singing the dang song all day, too. meh. i second and third all of the smells listed here, and hereby add to the list: sharp cheddar cheese and, every now and again, a smell like one of our grandpa's workshops or the big truck. :)
