Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 13: Nanny's First

Five years ago today Nanny shared with us one of our most important memories - the birth of Tillie! Her visit was extraordinary and special for many reasons. First and foremost, it was during this trip that she taught me how to play rummy - which she probably regrets now! It was also important to Mary and me because this was our first baby. We were far away from family and friends, and in a different country whose perspective on medical care was very foreign to us. To put it bluntly - we were terrified. Nanny's presence and encouragement put us at ease and when it was time for Tillie to come, she was really the one who coached us and directed us on how to push that baby out! I know it was special for Nanny, too, since it was the first time she'd ever seen a baby born. The week that followed was exciting and exhausting and I'm sure Nanny was ready to go home after sharing that little studio suite with a newborn. I remember Mary crying when we sent Nanny home - I just held her as she cried and wished Nanny could stay forever.

I've been happy to witness the special relationship Nanny has with each of her grandchildren and especially with my little Tillie. I love you, Ruthie.

Remembering this experience now just confirms the strength you are to your family and anyone around you that is in need of help. I hope I can learn from your example of pure love and service.


  1. It really was a wonderful experience. It is certainly a different perspective when you see it from the other end(so to speak). I have loved being there to watch some of my grandchildren being born. It is a true testimony of the beauty of life and the creation. Thanks for sharing that opportunity. Seth, why did I ever teach you that game? Oh yeah, I remember now. I kept getting creamed at Canasta and thought I could do better at rummy which of course I can, if I say so myself. Mama

  2. I've had several friends who say they wish our mom was theirs. I can honestly say that I don't blame them one bit. It is a comfort to have Nanny there too and I also appreciate the special relationships that mom forges with all of us and the grandchildren.

  3. mom, it's true - you are the best! Is it awful to think that I sometimes wished i lived far away when babies were born just so i could have you all to myself for a week? Having you present for both babies, was wonderful. thank you for sharing such an amazing part of motherhood with me.

  4. It's always nice to have someone there,
    To lovingly comb lice out of your hair.

    - excerpt from a much larger poem I wrote called "In hospital"

  5. Two more thoughts.

    1. Mom I just LOLed at your "so to speak" comment.
    2. The week to ourselves comment is so true. Can I beg of you a week in Herriman when we have our next baby? It would be soooo nice. And no, that's not an announcement.

  6. On living out of town- you know that is the real reason we live out of state. (And the real reason I keep having babies).

  7. Glad somebody put a comment about lice in here. My work is complete.
