Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15: Nap time with Nanny

I read a Curious George book to Isabel and Tiago the other day at nap time (for Isabel) and I couldn't help but think of all the times that Mom took the time to lay down with us and read to us.

I have a lot of fond memories of naptime and reading books with Mom. Thanks Mom for putting up with us when we were naughty and didn't go to sleep right away; This is something I can appreciate even more with naughty children of my own.

Thanks for pretending to be fooled when you would announce you were coming into the room to check on us and we would pretend to be snoring/sleeping.

You helped give me more focus than I would have had. You instilled in your children a love of reading. I am grateful for the countless times that you read our favorite books. I'm sure we can all look back and think of several books that were read over and over. Thanks for making that sacrifice Mom. It might not have seemed like much at the time but it has made a big difference in my life.

Thanks Mom, I love you



  1. Jim, that picture is awesome. I don't think I've ever seen that one.

    The image I always have in my mind of mom reading is when she would lay her arms out and 2 kids on each side would lay their heads down, making her arms fall asleep.

    I can also remember waking up with John, and we planned to mess up our hair and groggily walk downstairs, 2 minutes apart so we would not arouse suspicion. Unfortunately this was only after a 10 min "nap." It never worked out quite like we hoped. I guess that's why neither of us made it big as actors.

  2. I never wondered then, but as a mother I wonder how mom even held books or turned pages with kids laying on her arms. I can't work it out with even 2 kids.

  3. Some of my favorite reads were "Fat Cat", "Fox Eyes", "Nanny Upstairs, Nanny Downstairs", and "Oliver Button is a Sissy". I love that Tillie's day is incomplete unless we've read stories together and going to the library is a really fun day. Great post, Jim. SO true!

  4. I love this picture too. I remember that quilt and pillowcase from many nap times. I don't know how mom stayed awake long enough to read us all stories. I can barely make it through two and then I'm dying for sleep. I hate it when I'm almost passed out and Bea is totally awake and trying to climb all over me. Go to sleep already, why don'tcha!?

  5. Flori, that puts me in the worst mood ever. I hate falling asleep when my kids don't. Sometimes I purposely try to read in a very boring voice so my kids will fall asleep (can I admit that?)

  6. I remember falling asleep for a nap one day and waking up the next morning. I was like, "What's for dinner?" Tommy said, "You mean for breakfast?" I was so confused. Wish I could fall asleep for a day again. Tommy and I loved trying to hide behind the pillows on Mom's bed to make it look like no one was there when she'd come to check on us to see if we were still sleeping.

  7. mugs, i think i should like to hear your "very boring voice". it makes me laugh reading that!
