Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 28: The Book Book

A familiar sight for anyone who knows Ruth Ann is a pair of headphones and a tape deck, cd player or mp3 player streaming her latest book find. She achieved the status of master multi-tasker long ago, listening to books while sewing, cooking, walking, running errands and even sleeping! I would not be surprised to see her reading one book while listening to another, though I'm not sure she's tried it.

One thing most of you probably did not know is that she reads so many books that she has started keeping a book journal by the side of her bed, to help her know which books she has already listened to or read.

To the left is a sample page from last May. The letters next to each title are code for how she consumed the book. B = physical copy of the book. BCD = Book on CD. You knew she read a lot, but did you know it had reached this level?

This post was Dad's idea, and I made a little video of him explaining the book:

While we're on the topic, I know Carrie really loved the book club the sisters did up at the Park City cabin. Anyone up for that again? Which book would you choose/propose?


  1. I would love to do the sister book club again. Do tell...what is a good book out there. I just read Sarah's Key, which was a winner.
    I love that Ruth Ann reads so much too. And it is so smart to have a book book keeper. :) I use goodreads to keep track of my books.

  2. same! let's do another book club! mom - do you have a favorite book? Seth has never read "To Kill a Mockingbird" anyone up for a re-read of that??
