Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 71: Coach

Coach. Remember when I started calling you that? You would say "Stop calling me coach" in that silly, gravely voice of yours. I never listened - partly out of sass and partly out of wanting to give you a little nickname that I hoped would eventually stick. You fought the nickname for about 6 months, but I knew you had grown to love it when you signed a birthday card "love mom and coach"

That was actually a really sweet moment of victory for me! *weeee!!*

Dad, you really are a wonderful coach: Thank you for teaching me to
sing parts. Thank you for introducing me to amazing cultures. Thank you for sharing comics and humor with me. Thank you for showing me the importance of living the gospel daily. Thank you for helping me secure Seth in my life (the irony of your similarities has never been lost or wasted on me!). Thank you for passing on your crazy (but highly impressive) business savvy because it has helped me be a better manager at work. Thank you for reading to me and for sharing your love of theater with me. Thank you for being a wonderful example of what a parent, in-law, grandfather and friend should be like.

Good game, Coach. I love you!

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