Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 81: Movies and McDonald's

How can we talk about Neil without talking about going to the movies or taking grandkids to McDonald's?
I remember the times when there weren't so many grandkids and Neil would take the whole family to watch a movie, such as Napoleon Dynamite, Narnya, or Harry Potter. Neil has gone with James and I to a few movies and it always made me feel special, to have him just for us. I remember one day we were try to decide in between Cat woman or a movie with Will Smith (I don't remember the name) and Neil said: "It depends who you want to see in leather pants" , Two against one: Hale Berry won.
Because I am such a freak mother, most of the movie dates James had after Tiago's birth were with Neil. Thank you, Neil for being there for James these last 5 years.
We've being to McDonald's with Neil and grandkids many times, either before a movie or when him and RuthAnn were babysitting or just our little family. On the Saturday after my surgery, he came over to spend some time with Tiago and Isabel, he took them there to play and eat. My kids were extremely happy to have that special time just with grandpa, all they talked about were how they had a special day. Thank you, Neil for making everyone in the family to fell unique, special and loved. We all love you for all you are. You are Tiago's and Isabel's favorite grandfather and Isabel's second favorite person in the whole world.


1 comment:

  1. fun memories, Luci! The girls love to go out to lunch with Grandpa when we come to visit too! And I love watching movies with my Dad also.
