Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 65: The Silly LeBaron Face

Dad is the king of grinning with no teeth.
Anders has an excuse. He has no teeth. So what's Dad's excuse?

He's a LeBaron.

Silly LeBaron faces are all over the place. No one really knows why, but pointy noises, big ears, toothless grins, and bird hair are swimming in our gene pool. Blame Canada. And then blame polygamy and large farm families for passing it on a thousand times.
Here is William Farland LeBaron, Grandpa Neil's grandpa. This is one of the oldest silly LeBaron faces on record. See how the unique positioning of his grin makes him easily identifiable as a LeBaron? Looks like Dad bequeathed Grandpa Willy's ears, too.

The silly LeBaron face is part of what makes Dad so lovable. Luckily, many of us inherited silly LeBaron body parts, including Neil's timeless smile (and silly LeBaron ankle). You don't have to look very hard to find examples. One or two pages into most family blogs yielded this precious fruit (sorry Tom and Jess and Maggie and Justin, your kids are too cheesy and always show their teeth. Jim and Luci, you need a blog!).
Bobby, making sure Neil gets his picture taken in the Philippines.Maddie, being Dad's smile for Halloween.Bean doing a no-teeth Neil.Sisi with a classic Grandpa Neil face.Finch, doing some grinealogy.Oh wait! What? What's this? Grandma Abuelita's recipe is really Grandpa Neil's recipe? Turns out the silly LeBaron face knows no bounds. Brooke brought me this Mexican hot chocolate the other week, and I was thinking it looked like the guy from Duncan's Toy Chest in Home Alone 2, but Brooke knew better. It's Grandpa Neil in a wispy white wig. Glad our LeBaron counterparts in Mexico are finding their way onto confection labels.


  1. That's what I'm talking about! So glad that Abuelita Neil could make her debut on the blog. Don't worry dad, we'll move from endearing to sentimental in a few more posts.

  2. hahaha! bobby - i LOVED this post. thanks for pulling through. Dad, your silly LeBaron smile is what endears you most to everyone you meet. It's warm and shows off your kind eyes. you are my most favorite father ever. :)

  3. I love the Grandpa Neil smile. Sarah does it best in our family. I agree with Mary--it shows kindness and a gentle sort of happiness. But I laughed really hard at Abuelita. We drink this all the time and I've never noticed!

  4. Yeah, it seemed like Sarah Jane does really good smiles like Dad, but I couldn't find one of her. It's amazing how much we look like Elice Marie Bentley, too (William's wife). I thought of Tillie when I first saw her, but the more I look at Great, Great Grandma, the more I see of her in everybody. We haven't even discussed Nanny's distinctive features. I have her same faltse teeth.

  5. Hahahaha! that is soooo funny. I never even noticed how many times I have done the grandpa Neil smile
