Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 76: Reading Glasses, Artichoke Hearts and HGTV

When I think of Neil I can't help but smile. Who doesn't appreciate his jolly telephone greeting after he has made his mad dash to the phone, "Hello, Neil!"? Or his giant collection of reading glasses found throughout the house that for some reason my children find irresistible?
Can Anyone Say Papa Neil?
When I think of Neil, I think of suspenders, family history indexing in front of the tv, volunteering, sunflower seeds and late night snacks of artichoke hearts. Neil always has news to share and a story to tell and belongs to what he and I refer to as the First to Know club. Before I was even apart of this family, Neil welcomed me with open arms, but it wasn't until I lived in his basement that I feel that I truly got to know him.

Since I have had children, I have often found myself feeling like a single mother while Tom attended school at night and Ruth Ann managed to keep herself busy between teaching classes, Relief Society, taking care of her mother, and traveling, so Neil and I spent many evenings together. Sometimes Porter and I would join him for dinner but Tuesday or Thursday evenings were oftentimes spent watching television. He would poke his head downstairs to inform me that a certain show was on and that I was more than welcome to come watch it with him. We enjoyed Wipeout and the Thursday Night Comedy Lineup, but the hands down favorite was anything on HGTV.

By now, Neil and I should be skilled "House Hunters" with the ability to "Design on a Dime" to find the perfect "Curb Appeal", "Rip and Renew" anything and conquer the "Kitchen Impossible"! Because of Neil I have become a DIY junkie!

I am forever grateful, not only for Neil's generosity, but for the valuable bonding time he and I were able to share that year.


  1. loved reading this Jess! One year our flight home got cancelled and everyone was out for the night, so I stayed home to watch TV with my dad. He kept asking if I wanted to go do something "fun", but that was fun enough for me!!

  2. Jess, speaking of the First to Know Club, remember how you found out Jim and Luci were engaged before I did? I love how you captured all of the little Neilisms, like sunflower seeds and "Hello, Neil." I laughed when I read about the artichoke hearts for a midnight snack. Awesome.
