Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 52: Ambien, diet pepsi and Tiago

When James and I were first married we lived in Midway and James was working graveyard shifts in West Valley. One night I didn't feel comfortable with him being up all night and then having to drive up on a snowy road, so I took him to work and went to spend the night at the LeBarons. When I got there (around 11:00 pm) I found Ruth Ann sitting in front of the computer, with a game on, she greeted me and said she was going to bed, when she got up she was totally out. I helped her to her bedroom because she was so drowsy she barely could walk. The next morning she didn't remember a thing.
This was the first time I had heard about ambien and I am extremely grateful for that.

A couple of years later my sweet ten month old Tiago was already able to drink from a straw. That trick he learned from RuthAnn on a cup pf Diet Pepsi. I wasn't the happiest mother seing my baby drinking caffeine. It took me a year to be grateful for RuthAnn's efforts to teach him how to drink from a straw.

You must be asking how these events are related.
I will explain it to you.
On my 41st week of Tiago's pregnacy I couldn't sleep. All the excitment from being so close to seeing his little face kept me awake for a whole week. On that Tuesday morning I asked my doctor if he could prescribe me some Ambien, and so he did. I took half of a pill around 9:00 pm and slept like a baby, around 4:00 in the morning the contractions started and he was born on the first hour of that Thursday.
When Tiago was almost 2 years old we found out he had something called sensory integretion disrorder, it caused some delay on his communication and his behavior. One of the exercises we could do to help work on the muscles of his mouth and be used as a calming activity was, drink from a straw. Since he was ten months old he loved straws.

Thanks to RuthAnn, Ambien and Diet Pepsi made a big difference.

1 comment:

  1. Luci--I love it! Oh, the little tricks we learn and pass on to our children!
