Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 45: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I remember when I was very young, I loved St. Patrick's Day. When we woke up, there would be little green shoe prints all over the kitchen and green shamrock pancakes for breakfast. I don't know how mom found the time and energy to do this, but I thought it was so fun and it is one of many happy memories in my childhood. (I also remember watching Darby O'Gill and the Little People with Dad--anyone else remember that crazy movie?)

Thanks for making holidays special, Mom!!


  1. I never knew Ruth Ann celebrated like that--how cute! I don't do a single thing for St. Patty's Day but maybe I need to borrow her ideas :)

  2. haha! tillie wondered if the elves had messed up our house and why they didn't leave any clues. I told her that i told the elves not to come this year because my children were messy enough and that maybe they should wait to leave clues next year once tillie can read. that made her sad :( alright, i'm a terrible mother. so i said it.
