Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 32: Welcome to the family!

**this post was written by Cecile Christensen, Rob's awesome mom! (standing behind Flori in the picture)**

What I notice about Ruth Ann is she can make you feel like you have known her for years even if it has been only a few minutes. She has such a way that she brings you into her circle of happiness. She always has a smile as she talks to you. Her eyes light up when she is introduced to someone new and she immediately lets that person know through her eyes that she is excited to meet you.

When our son fell in love with Ruth Ann's daughter Flori he kept telling us about her family--how much he liked their family and how cool they were. Since we had never had a child get married we wondered how this would be to share our son with another family. We hoped that the family he married into would accept him and love him like we did. Well when he started telling us about this family and how great they were and how much he loved being with them we wondered if we would be forgotten and never see our son again. So the day came for us to meet this family. I will never forget the way I felt in their home as they welcomed us and fed us (one of Ruth Ann's great talents). I immediately felt what my son had felt. We loved being with these people.

They love you and make you part of their family without any formal time of acceptance. They love to entertain and they do it so well with food and with laughter. You come away with a warm feeling of acceptance and a full stomach. Ruth Ann, to me, is the best in making you feel at home even when it is not your home.


  1. Amen to that. I like to think of Joseph's family as one of his most winning traits. No wonder all of us in-laws fell in love with silly LeBarons!

    I have never felt anything but loved and welcomed by Ruth Ann from day one. Poor Joseph had to be tested by my dad first, and then he passed and was adored ever since :)

  2. Thanks, Cecile. I would say the same for you. We knew we liked you the minute we met you. After all, you are the parents of the "kind of boy every mom wants her daughter to marry" as Flori put it when she described Rob before we met him. When she claimed he was just a friend, Neil said friendship can turn to hot sloppy love pretty fast! Way to call it, Neil. How could we not love the wonderful parents of all of our perfect children in law?
