Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 34: I love to read the holy scriptures

Much has been written about how much mom loves reading. But something that is often overlooked is how much she loves the scriptures. As I've started raising my own children, I've found how difficult is to stay diligent with personal and family scripture reading.

I'm grateful for mom's example of scripture study and for sharing her love of the gospel with her children and grandchildren.


  1. nothing like a good nose pick after a song.

  2. That was really stinking cute. And Kai picks his nose just like John. Awww....

  3. The dom dom at the end was adorable. He held pitch pretty well. Way to represent Kai!

  4. Dear to the heart of the shepherd and to grandparents are the beautiful voices of little children. I love the casualness of the performance like he was just having to do another recording! Kai you are wonderful. Nanny
