Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 44: Ruth Ann Adams LeBaron

Guest post from Sherman Smith (the handsome devil in the hip sweater and classy navy turtleneck):

Well, Ruth Ann, welcome to that 7th decade of life, whose threshold has already passed beneath my feet. You certainly don't look like you fit in here, but time still moves in it's own cadence and rhythm. There are many praiseworthy attributes which fit your persona: charming, loving, analytical, charitable, forgiving, generous, faithful and resilient come to mind. Of course there is much more to you than that, and among those favorite other attributes is the fact that we share some our grandchildren with you. Your cooking skills are unsurpassed; thank you for feeding me often and for catering Carrie and Joe's wedding as well catering some of our office parties.

I miss your comments in gospel doctrine classes, but I think I understand the essence of your convictions, having watched you live your life, supporting your husband and children as you do. In all, you are one of those grand ladies in our midst.

Thank You, Sherman

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sherm! You have been and are a great friend. Thanks for being an advocate and helping me achieve my goals. Your surgery helped me get a lot of confidence back and gave me courage to confront life when I was feeling pretty discouraged about myself. We do have cute and amazing grandchildren, don't we?
