Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 47: patience, it is a virtue

I remember Ruth Ann asking Neil to stir something in the kitchen so it wouldn't boil, (most likely cream or some type of dairy.) Neil got a little distracted, maybe with a phone call or a snack, and the contents in the cooking pot were forgotten and a boilin'!

Ruth Ann came in a couple minutes later to a boiling mess. Instead of getting mad, she just easily forgave him, and said he must have been busy or distracted.

It was a major eye opener for me. I would have had hot steam coming out my ears if my hard work on a meal was damaged. I admire Ruth Ann's patience. I want to be more patient. In fact, Johnny teases me for being the most impatient person ever. It is but only slightly true. 

However, I am thankful for Ruth Ann's great example of patience.

And Neil don't worry, you really are practically perfect. :) 

Evelyn, Kai, Ruth Ann, Elijah, Sisi and Neil
Neil was super sweet in requesting a visit to see the poppies in Alpine, even though the day they came to visit it had been raining. I love that they came down anyway.

Ruth Ann and Neil June 2009
Does anyone else love how Ruth Ann and Neil tell each other regularly through out the day that they love each other? 
It is so endearing.

1 comment:

  1. I love those poppies. Flori sent me a link the other day for some poppy fabric. I am so close to buying it, but alas! my fabric slots are overflowing, . . .but maybe just a little piece. I think you will be home in time to see those poppies this year, and if not, maybe Neil and I will make the trek and think of that ever so fun day. Just so you know, I think you are pretty patient, Krista. I loved when I was there and Sisi kept coming up with more things that she and her bear? needed in the way of clothes. She really did have trouble being patient since I was the one pretty distracted with all the fun going on. A friend has a granddaughter named Poppy. If anyone has a redheaded girl, they definitely need to consider Poppy as a name. Mama
